Welcome to Priestley Pastoral Support
Welcome To
Priestley Pastoral Support
Welcome to the ‘Priestley Pastoral Support’ Virtual Platform. The purpose of this platform is to allow you an opportunity to put a face to the name of our pastoral/ support team at Priestley.
Your son/daughter in now well into their first term at Priestley College. Students’ have experienced at least two assessment periods across their subjects and you would have received their two sets of performance monitoring grades/scores.
You will have an opportunity to meet and speak to your son’s/daughter’s subject tutors during parent’s consultation evenings in February. We thought it would be beneficial for you to be able to see who is directly supporting your son/daughter at college together with other key support names and faces at Priestley.
Please spend some time watching the recordings of the Principals Welcome, the Assistant Principal’s overview of support and your son/daughter’s actual Personal, or Progress Tutor introduction, together with any other areas of interest such as careers, Industry placements, wellbeing, study support, safeguarding and bursary information.
You may find some tutors have a written paragraph to introduce themselves rather than a recording. You will also find on the platform some examples of tutorial materials/key information and this year’s Parent Tutorial Newsletters from October and November, together with the student and parent handbooks. Finally, at the bottom of the page you will find key links to our website pages, again holding important information to support your son/daughter.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for spending time interacting with our support platform. If you have any questions about the support offered at Priestley, or general questions you would like an answer for, please email your son/daughters personal/progress tutor.
Mark Eccleston
Assistant Principal - Student Support Services
Senior Tutors
The Senior Tutors have specific cross college management responsibilities, such as Safeguarding, Progression, Equality & Diversity/ Widening Participation, Work Related Learning and Enrichment. They also support the Personal and Progress Tutors with any higher-level concerns.

Personal / Progress Tutors
Your son/daughters Personal Tutor (a subject tutor that also has tutor group(s)) or Progress Tutor (a dedicated tutor committed to tutor groups only) are available to contact via the live chat function. If you have any questions for them, please click their image and submit your question(s).
Focused Support
We have a wide range of focused support at Priestley. The staff in this section are responsible for Study Support, Careers, Work Experience, Wellbeing, Counselling Support and Bursaries.
If you would like to ask any questions about these areas, please click the staff images below to access their chat function.
Student Induction Process
This section shows a small selection of key college messages your son/daughter received during their induction weeks through their tutorial sessions. Please take a look at the clips.
Student Induction Overview
Student Charter
Cause For Concern Procedure
Mini Student Handbook
Wellbeing at Priestley
We are proud to launch a new wellbeing referral system at college that encompasses all our student mental health, safeguarding, study support and counselling support teams, to ensure your son/daughter receives the correct and most effective support whilst they are at Priestley.
The referral system allows students to self-refer from either the college student menu (when they are logged into the college system), or through the college website (if they are away from College). This referral process is also open to parents via the wellbeing and parent pages of the College website www.priestley.ac.uk/wellbeing-and-support/ . College staff can also refer students quickly and easily via a College staff menu. Just follow our wellbeing umbrella icon to complete the simple Google referral form. This can be accessed at any time day or night. Please download the ‘Wellbeing Support’ form for future reference and watch the instruction clip for more details.