Drama Session 1: Choosing a monologue

Firstly let me say welcome to the A Level Drama page. Over the next few weeks I am going to take you through some exercises to help you to choose, develop and rehearse your monologue ready for your audition.

We will start this week with choosing a monologue and doing the crucial research needed to understand the key elements of the character.

Firstly you need to find a monologue that you feel a connection to. It needs to be a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 1 minute 30 seconds. You can use scripts you may have at home, or search online, or, choose one of the options I have attached.

The only play you can’t use is Blood Brothers by Willy Russell.

Once you have chosen your monologue, if you have the full script, you need to read it. If you don’t have access to the full play script, don’t worry, you can research alot of information online. Find out everything you can about the following and make notes in a notebook -the play, plot and sub-plots, the character, their journey through the play and their personality the playwright and why they wrote the play, what they wanted the audience to get from reading it.

Next week I will post an exercise to help you to develop your performance ideas and help you to learn your lines.

Have a good week.


The resources below are here to help you with this session. The documents can be downloaded to your device and web links can be viewed online. 

What to do when you're finished ?

Keep a copy of your work safe until your first days at college. Bring it with you for your first lesson in this subject. 

My To Do List

This list shows you all of the different activites available through Virtual Priestley. You can tick them off as you go.

Don’t feel you have to complete every task, just do the ones you think are relevant to you.