Extended Project (EPQ) Session 2: Choosing a good EPQ title

Watch the YouTube video (6m53s) about Choosing a Good EPQ Title.
Make any notes that you need to.
Use the information to help add focus to your ideas for your EPQ Topic(s) or Title(s).
Write your thoughts on possible Topics/Titles in a Google doc or Word doc entitled EPQ Ideas for Topics & Titles.
(If you have already started this, just amend your existing document rather than starting a new one).
Upload your document if you want comments and feedback and are happy to share your ideas.

The resources below are here to help you with this session. The documents can be downloaded to your device and web links can be viewed online. 

What to do when you're finished ?

Keep a copy of your work safe until your first days at college. Bring it with you for your first lesson in this subject. 

Youtube Videos

My To Do List

This list shows you all of the different activites available through Virtual Priestley. You can tick them off as you go.

Don’t feel you have to complete every task, just do the ones you think are relevant to you.