Economics in the news

Follow this link to see some of the news articles A-Level Economists may have been working on this year. If I spoke to you at Open Evening you may have heard me talking about this then. Each of these stories has something to do with Economics. Pick four to read and see if you can explain why Economics is important to that particular story.


To enter a draw for a prize in September find your own story that you think has something to do with Economics and tweet the link with a short reason to @priestleyeconom on Twitter.

The resources below are here to help you with this session. The documents can be downloaded to your device and web links can be viewed online. 

Website Links

What to do when you're finished ?

Keep a copy of your work safe until your first days at college. Bring it with you for your first lesson in this subject. 

My To Do List

This list shows you all of the different activites available through Virtual Priestley. You can tick them off as you go.

Don’t feel you have to complete every task, just do the ones you think are relevant to you.