Digital T-Level Starter Task

1. Watch the YouTube video describing how a binary search works.

2. Complete the following questions on a new document, or using the worksheet template available.

Q1. Describe the steps involved in a binary search to find the value 47 in the list below.
4, 7, 8, 21, 46, 47, 51

Q2. The target integer 8 exists in a list of integers 1, 4, 6, 9, 8, 12, 15 but is not found during a binary search. There are no errors in the code.
Explain why target integer 8 is not found.

Q3. A binary search is known as a ‘divide and conquer’ algorithm. Explain what is meant by this phrase in this context.

3. Upload your completed worksheet/answers

The resources below are here to help you with this session. The documents can be downloaded to your device and web links can be viewed online. 

What to do when you're finished ?

Keep a copy of your work safe until your first days at college. Bring it with you for your first lesson in this subject. 

Youtube Videos

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