Photography: End-of-Year Showreel

Thank you for looking at A-Level Photography at Priestley. We have produced a Youtube video showreel showcasing work from our current graduating second year students. We would like you to have a look through the showreel this week. There is a very diverse range of work on display and it will be interesting for you as prospective students get a feel for the types of images our students have been inspired to make.

You will see on the showreel, there are a lot of different types of subject matter. You may wish to watch it a few times as there is a lot to take in. This task only requires you to watch the video, there is no need to respond to us. We will be putting further practical activities on the site soon. Please look at the other videos on this Youtube channel too, these document our different courses within art and design.


The resources below are here to help you with this session. The documents can be downloaded to your device and web links can be viewed online. 

What to do when you're finished ?

Keep a copy of your work safe until your first days at college. Bring it with you for your first lesson in this subject. 

Youtube Videos

My To Do List

This list shows you all of the different activites available through Virtual Priestley. You can tick them off as you go.

Don’t feel you have to complete every task, just do the ones you think are relevant to you.